
Showing posts from October, 2008


OMG I am so glad that this day is nearly over. It was the end of Red Ribbon Week and the kids wore jerseys--it was Pickle Day--AND Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal. But it was payday. Not that I have much to spend after paying bills. Janessa and I went to McAllisters for supper. They have changed their menu since we were there last. I have lots of school stuff to do this weekend. Yuck Ankle is hurting badly.


I was very tired today. I guess the excitement and drive up to Hattiesburg wore me out. I am still not feeling well. I really need to go and get that blood work done soon. My ankle was hurting pretty bad yesterday and today. I am still frustrated and upset with this school year. I cannot get into a groove. This principal is OMN a lot. I feel under scrutiny constantly. I hate that! Janessa says her ribs are hurting today. She will come home tomorrow. I hope she feels better quickly. I have lots of papers to grade this weekend. Maybe Janessa will help! LOL

car accident

This morning at 5 Janessa called me to tell me she had been in a car wreck with Jess. She had been taken to Forrest General in an ambulance!! I was upset she had not called me when it happened. I decided to go up there just to check on her. We cuddled in her bed for a while. Then we went with Jess to see the car. It was unreal. They were extremely lucky. They nearly flipped. She had to have a CAT scan and they did the dye stuff thru her system. They have her on Lortab. She is in some pain. Bruises and sore muscles will be around for a while. I am tired. I did not sleep well last nite and then drove to H'burg. My ankle is killing me tonight. I cannot wait for PAYDAY....................


We had a faculty meeting AGAIN today. I swear!! I guess Roy spoiled us by not having one everytime we turned around. I did the AR party today. I guess Erin will do the next one. Emily and Jason are hilarious. I cannot believe he picks on her. lol


Today was a terrible day. I did not get much sleep. Something woke me up and I could not go back to sleep. Then school was stressful. I did get some good news today. Kay Stone will be our new Lead Teacher. I am so relieved. I do wish that this year would ease up some. I am so upset over so much. Health issues, school crap, personal problems,......... Somedays are not worth getting up for. I am frustrated and disgusted.

New Beginnings

It is Sunday. I did not have to play the piano today. I want to straighten and clean my room today. I also want to move the bed in the other direction. Janessa promised she would help me with that. I have not started my school stuff yet. I am putting it off. I plan to play on the 'puter and read before tackling it. Daddy put a new doorknob on my front door Fri. and replaced the dryer hose thingie. He cleaned up the laundry room! What a shock! Janessa went to a Halloween party last nite dressed as a valkyrie. She even had a horny hat! I have lots on my mind. I am still hurting from my fall in July. My ankle still swells everyday. I am using a cane to get around. I need to go in and be checked for diabetes but with $$ the way it is---I am postponing it. I know I have no felt healthy since I fell. My immune system has been compromised in some way. I cannot get over this cold. I had strep and staph. I turn 50 and my body starts falling apart. I am concerned about $$ and Janessa finishi...