
Showing posts from March, 2009

Panic at Midnight

Sounds like a good title for a story..... However, I am in the midst of a panic episode and cannot sleep. I think it is worry about the Prac. Tests this week.


I really don't wanna go to school. I am in a funk and my head hurts. BUT duty calls. I have to get them ready for testing next week. That is all I effing do is teach these kids how to take a test. They are not learning shit. DAMN IT

March 20

Today is one of those dates that I reflect on every year. In 1980 I lost my virginity on March 20 and became pregnant. I had an abortion. It still is a memory I would rather forget but it made me who I am today. In 1984, I lost a baby through an extopic pregnancy rupture. I was no longer able to have children. Luckily I had had a child just a few months before. Janessa. So on this day I thank God for her.


Another Randy dream......... This time I was waiting in my bedroom for him and I could not find anything to wear. So by the time I found something...Marti had shown up. This has some underlying psychological meaning I am sure. Of course, I AM EFFING CRAZY