
Showing posts from August, 2009


Looking to a new week of challenges that I know I can meet regardless.


Katrina changed all our lives and the face of my life and hometown. It will always hold the scars of that day. Camille had also been devastating, but Katrina destroyed. This day will always be one of longing for what was and will never be again.

positively amazing

I got my first ALL positive note from CB this week. Nearly died of the shock of it.

panic aftereffex

I hate feeling this way. Like a truck has ran me over and then backed up over me again and again. I am taking a half day to try to recover.


Why are things in my life the way they are? I go from crisis to crisis and it does help my panic disorder. School is school. Janessa is Janessa. I am so over everything. If I had the courage I would just end it. Make the pain disappear. Damn you Randy.

is it worth it???

Sometimes I wonder if it is worth even getting up every day.