Iconic Game of Thrones quotes
22 of the most Kickass lines from Game of Thrones September 4, 2018 17960 Game of Thrones is known for its violence and dragons, but it wouldn’t have so many Emmys if it didn’t also have great lines about its violence and dragons. Over six seasons, the characters of GoT have shared wisdom about a variety of topics — bullying, running a kingdom, to name a couple — and they’ve frequently done it in the form of pithy dialogue. And on certain occasions, they’ve dropped badass one-liners just because they sounded cool. For your reading pleasure, we’ve assembled 22 of the show’s most iconic quotes — these are the lines we feel sum up the main themes of this beloved series. (And we’ve got some GIFs to match.) 1. “The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That’s how they became powerful in the first place.” – Tyrion Lannister, season five, episode one 2. “If you ever call me ‘sister’ again, I’ll have you strangled in your sleep.” – Cersei Lannister to Margaery Tyr...