
Showing posts from April, 2010


I think I have the 'bug' that has been going around. I have had tummy problems and last night I think I thre up everything I had eaten in a week!!! Now I have this humongous headache. I hope I am NOT sick all weekend. That would really suck.

mud pie

Janessa is bringing all the makings of mud pies to treat my kids today.....

green thumb

The whole 4th grade planted seeds yesterday hoping some will grow. The kids seemed to enjoy it and my class was so self-controlled while others classes were NUTS. At least the colleagues spoke today. Still pissed. BUT planning a great celebration of making it through those stupid tests.


I cannot believe that those people would not speak to ME after what happened on Fri. I swear you would think it was my fault that they were so thoughtless and rude. I am so over the bullshit. Screw em.

new week

well, I am not sure of the countdown at this point maybe 30 days??? I am full of anger and just royally pissed off. I need a plan. Janessa is devious maybe she can come up with something to put people in their place.


I really do not understand some people. Are they so obtuse that they did not realize the hurt they were causing? I would hate to think they did this on purpose but time has shown this type of behavior over and over. I just can't get past it this weekend. I am so angry and hurt for my kids. I would NEVER have done anything like that. I have always tried to keep an even keel with co-workers even if they had quirks. I have quirks. I feel like that proverbial 5th wheel this year. I am wondering if it will be like this until I retire. Is it because I am older than they are and have more control of myself. People who work with children should not be so thoughtless. Put yourself in their shoes. How would it feel to you. They will want to make nicey nicey with me, but it will take a lot for me to get over this one.