I am sooooooooo angry.  WHAT in the world has happened to teaching?? These idiots that I am working with have no fucking clue. Let's have Fun Fridays and Fund Days and Field Trips and do artsy fartsy stuff. Let's forget about teaching skills and vocab. we'll let them learn it fucking contextually.  REALLY????  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???????????????????

There are things I feel strongly about and that is teaching. These people do NOT have an inkling of how to really teach to kids who do not know anything.

AND  Dana calling out my name in the office for money for that fucking Arledge's 12,000 dollar party???????????????????  How dare she make me look awful in front of all those people to where i was forced to give money for something i did not want to give to. FUCK!!!!!!

My blood pressure is sky high. I am so mad.

Tried to teach today......stupid of me to try.  CeCe and Sarah and Monique's classes were wild and were ungodly loud all day.  DID they think we all were having a fun day?????????????????

Fuck no I was trying to teach.  When aM i GOING TO BE ALLOWED TO DO MY JOB???????????

i am breaking away from them and their crap. I am going to do it MY way and to hell with them.


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